Love Leading a Team

(and still have a thriving personal life)

You are in the right place.

You are meant for so much more

But no matter how many hours, days and years you show up you can’t break that executive ceiling.

You are overwhelmed

By the daily details of the business and managing the team that requires so much attention and what you really want is to be a part of the strategic vision.

You give until you are exhausted

And the people that love you and need you must always miss out on the best you have to offer.

You are a motivated leader and naturally talented

so it’s easy for your organization to keep things humming along by leaving you exactly where you are today.

You are waiting until you are ready

One more certification.  One more degree.  One more… And meanwhile other, less-credentialed people are passing you by.

You could settle into your current role, hoping and waiting for your team to get easier and for something to change…


You could try something new and finally break through into loving leadership.

Imagine this…

You are the go-to leader

that elevates every project and team that you touch. Your executive team is clamoring to work with you.

You master the art of using strategic vision and understanding the details.

At the close of your work day, you are calm, clear and ready to focus on and spend quality time with the people that you love.

You know your value and walk with the confidence and knowledge of what you have to offer.

When you see it in yourself, the right people will see it too.

Your dream organization wants you leading in as many ways and as many people as possible.  You elevate everything you touch.

You know when to step forward and boldly take advantage of opportunities presented to you.

Did you know that an entire part of your brain is wired to keep you safe?

And that same part of the brain considers ANY change a threat? Any change includes positive change.

It’s not your fault

that you are stuck in the routine of completing incredible work, but never recognized or promoted. It’s biology!

I can help!

The work we do together goes beyond the basics (although we cover those too).

I am on your side and help you see and know your own personal brand of genius. 

Together we identify why any organization would be lucky to have you in leadership and how you can confidently communicate that everywhere you go.

We tackle the sneaky self-saboteur that endlessly tries to keep you “safe” and unlock and new level of success in your career, relationships and life.

As your career expands, so will your entire life.

Are you ready?