Created for Now


I believe that we’re all created for this very moment.  We are created and uniquely prepared for our exact circumstances so that we can show up and thrive. Whether or not life is going to our perfect plan, we can do this.  I mean, 2020 was one big unexpected detour, right?  But whatever is on your plate at the moment, whether it’s wonderful or challenging, it’s there for you.  Only you can tackle it, learn from it, endure it and celebrate it.  


I’ve learned that I thrive best when I feel rooted, secure and confident.  No sink or swim for me!   And yet? My timing for going “All In” on my personal coaching practice lined up with Covid in uncanny ways.  I spent the first few weeks stressing, anxiety escalating with every news article and every Covid wave.  And then one day I realized that this is the circumstance I was called to build a thriving practice in.  Knowing that I crave feeling rooted, secure, and confident, I learned to create those feelings within me, even when the world was turning upside down.  I turned to rituals and routines that normalized my days.  I created a powerful morning “spark” that ignited each day by focusing on what matters most.  I carved out a space at home that was just mine to work from.  No more corners in the dining room or laptops on the couch.  


Most importantly, I intentionally focused on who I am and why I was created for this.  I outlined the skills I had learned through 13 years of coaching and almost 20 years of corporate experience.  I outlined the soft skills I had received feedback on over the years.  I reached out to trusted allies to understand how they see me and what they feel I do well.  I read through my patriarchal blessing to better understand how God sees me and what He has called me to do.  I pulled all my personality assessments and what they revealed about me there.  I sifted through my trials and mistakes, what I had learned and who I had become as a result of them. In the end, I had a long list that all added up to Heidi Lyn Campbell. At first seeing the list on paper was overwhelming, but it was also invigorating and a perfect confirmation that I am embarking on the journey that I am called to take.


Somehow, someway, this pandemic has ushered in the exact space I needed in order to fill the measure of my creation.  This isn’t a Pollyanna silver lining, count-your-blessings sort of moment.  This process helped me understand that the pandemic, as challenging as it is, is an opportunity for my highest good.  And if I allow it and lean into it, I can emerge stronger on the other side.  Yes, life is challenging and sometimes the hard days are harder than I ever thought possible.  But I am so thankful for this season, this simultaneously painful and beautiful season.  This season teaches me that I don’t have to wait until the perfect moment to begin.  I can build a business with confidence even in a tumultuous time. I can learn to create security, and feeling rooted.  I can master rising above external circumstances and do what I am called to do.


I’m so excited for a time when I can speak to a room in person and teach a workshop with live interaction (and full confidence that all participants are wearing pants).  But until then, I know that I was created “for such a time as this” and so were you!

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